How to publish a website from your PC over Web/Internet.

To start learning how to publish a website from your PC over internet, you should know about few networking terms. Note: Here we will only discuss about IPv4 .

1. IP
2. DNS
3. IIS
4. Computer Port
5. Firewall

These are the very basic terms you should know to publish a website.

1. IP

According to me IP (Internet Protocol) is an address which is assigned to a networking devices to identify over a network. For Example: It is just like your mobile phone number. +918010581157 but IP look like this .
Now IP is divided into two parts (a.) Public IP and (b.) Private IP.

(a.) Public IP :  A public IP address is any valid address, or number,assigned to a communicative device that can be accessed over the Internet.
(b.) Private IP : A private IP address is any number or address assigned to a communicative device on a private TCP/IP Local Area Network that is accessible only within the Local Area Network.

Dynamic IP addresses can change each time you connect to the Internet, while Static IP addresses are reserved for you statically and don't change over time.

2. DNS

The DNS (Domain Name System) translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses, it is used to understand because it is difficult to remember lots of numbers, so instant of numbers it is easy to remember names.
For Example : is, is .

3. IIS

IIS (Internet Information Server) is a group of Internet servers. You can install this in Window NT, Window 2000 and above.
Like : Web or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server (http) and a File Transfer Protocol server (ftp) .

4. Computer Port

A computer port is a physical point using which an external device can be connected to the computer and a port can also be programmatic point through which information flows from a program to computer or over the internet.

5. Firewall

In computing, a firewall is a software or hardware-based network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic.

To Start website hosting from your PC there are approximately 4 to 5 steps.
Step 1. Install IIS
Step 2. Create Website and configure it in IIS
Step 3. Configure Firewall for HTTP or WWW services
Step 4. Assign Port No.
Step 5. Configure Router

First we will install IIS.

Step 1. Open control panel then go to Programs and Features and click Turn windows features on or off.

Step 2. Go to control panel, here you will find Administrative Tools, in administrative tools Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager will be available.

Click on IIS. Your IIS is open with your computer name EX: John Home.
Now expand your computer name the expand sites, here you will find default website.

You can start with the default website also, if you don't want to create your own website, if you want to create your website by Right clicking on site and Add Website, now fill the following blocks with your details.

Before filling we need a website, so lets start to create a website by using very small coding with HTML.
Right click on the desktop then new and then Text Document save it as index.html, now we will use little coding. i.e.
<h1> This is my first WEBSITE.</h1>
And save it, ok now create folder in C:\inetpub\Websites. Like Test_Web.
Ok Copy the index.html file in that folder. i.e. C:\inetpub\Websites\Test_Web.

 Done, Ok start filling the blocks, Site name- xyz, Application pool- DefaultAppPool, Physical Path - C:\inetpub\Websites\Test_Web , in Binding :- Type - http, Ip address - your private or local ip of your PC, Port - what ever you want and remember it, check mark on Start website immediately and Press OK.

So It will Look Like This.

Ok now we will create Server certification.
Click on your Computer Name Ex : Jhon, you will find server Certification click on that the create self sighn certification and name it Ex: My and click ok.

Step 3. Control Panel => Windows Firewall => Allow an app or features through firewall => Change setting => Check on World wide Web Services (HTTP) and FTP Server with Private and public both.

Step 4. Assign port no., Control Panel => windows firewall => Advance Setting => Click on Inbound Rules => New Rule => Port => Next => give the port no. assign by you while configuring the website => Allow the connection => Next => Next => Name Ex: http_server and provide description Ex. Allow Http Access => Finish.

Step 5. Access your Router and apply the port forwarding using your local PC IP.
I have Beetel 450TC2 Router.


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For Error
("HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden" error when you open an IIS 7.0 Webpage)
(6/10/2017 10:48 AM        25449 iisstart.html  6/10/2017 11:21 AM          168 web.config)

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