How to protect only formula cells in Excel sheets.
- Select the whole worksheet with Ctrl + A, and right click, choose Format Cells from the context menu.
- And a Format Cells dialogue box will pop out. Click Protection, and unchecked the Locked option. Click OK. The whole worksheet has been unlocked.
- Then click Home > Find & Select > Go To Special, and a Go To Special dialogue box will appear. Check Formulas from the Select option, and then click OK. See screenshot:
- All of the cells which contain formulas will be selected.
- Then go to lock the select cells. Right-click on the selected cells, and choose Format Cells from the context menu, and a Format Cells dialogue box will display. Click Protection, check the Locked checkbox. See screenshot:
- And then click Review > Protect Sheet, and a Protect Sheet dialogue box will pop out, you can enter the password in the Password to unprotect sheet box. See screenshot:
- Then click OK. And another Confirm Password dialogue box will appear. Reenter your password. And click OK.
- And then all cells which contain formulas have been locked and protected. In this case, you cannot modify the formulas, but you can edit other cells.