How to protect only formula cells in Excel sheets.

  1. Select the whole worksheet with Ctrl + A, and right click, choose Format Cells from the context menu.
  2. And a Format Cells dialogue box will pop out. Click Protection, and unchecked the Locked option. Click OK. The whole worksheet has been unlocked.
  3. Then click Home > Find & Select > Go To Special, and a Go To Special dialogue box will appear. Check Formulas from the Select option, and then click OK. See screenshot:
  4. All of the cells which contain formulas will be selected.
  5. Then go to lock the select cells. Right-click on the selected cells, and choose Format Cells from the context menu, and a Format Cells dialogue box will display. Click Protection, check the Locked checkbox. See screenshot:
  6. And then click Review > Protect Sheet, and a Protect Sheet dialogue box will pop out, you can enter the password in the Password to unprotect sheet box. See screenshot:
  7. Then click OK. And another Confirm Password dialogue box will appear. Reenter your password. And click OK.
  8. And then all cells which contain formulas have been locked and protected. In this case, you cannot modify the formulas, but you can edit other cells.